Railroad News
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Dec. 20, 2017 – Edward R. Hamberger, Association of American Railroads President and CEO, released the following statement on final passage of tax reform legislation in Congress.
“Tax reform will make our customers and the freight railroads more globally competitive, and we applaud Congress for passing this legislation. Key provisions, namely the reduction of the corporate tax rate and full and immediate expensing for five years, will help support private investment across the 140,000-mile rail network and the entire economy. We look forward to moving on to other policy debates next year that affect our industry and our customers, especially in ensuring that NAFTA remains in place, in making the short line tax credit permanent and in comprehensively addressing U.S. infrastructure and transportation systems."
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About AAR: The Association of American Railroads is the world's leading railroad policy, research and technology organization focusing on the safety and productivity of rail carriers. AAR members include the major freight railroads of the U.S., Canada and Mexico, as well as Amtrak.
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