Railroad News
Infrastructure Week: America Counts on Freight Rail
Infrastructure Week: America Counts on Freight Rail
Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – With Infrastructure Week underway, millions of Americans are learning about the challenges that a failing infrastructure poses to the nation’s economy. However, one industry stands above because of its ability to privately invest in maintaining their network – freight rail. For the men and women of America’s railroads, every week is Infrastructure Week.
11 Numbers to Know about Freight Rail:
$60 million – How many dollars per day freight railroads invest in their infrastructure.8 – The number of times rail in the U.S. network could circle the earth.
$274 billion – Freight rail’s economic impact in 2014.
54 – The number of tons of freight moved for every American each year.
$1 – Invested by the railroads generates $10 in economic activity.
69,000 – Tons of new rail laid in 2015.
43 – Percent decrease in accidents and derailments since 2000.
$100 million – Amount invested each month to develop, test, and install Positive Train Control (PTC)
14.6 million – Number of crossties installed in 2013
$121,000 – Average rail employee compensation, including benefits.
6 – Freight railroads invest six times the average manufacturer.
The numbers are clear. Freight rail works for America.
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About AAR: The Association of American Railroads (AAR) is the world's leading railroad policy, research and technology organization focusing on the safety and productivity of rail carriers. AAR members include the major freight railroads of the U.S., Canada and Mexico, as well as Amtrak. Learn more at www.aar.org.
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